Monday, July 12, 2010

SEO-friendly Wordpress URLs in a minute

Basic but Essential SEO Link Building Tips

Link building is a very important part of the SEO process and probably the most affordable and quick way to increase your website’s popularity. By Ronni Rebsdorf

Simple Strategy for Better Local Search Optimization

Here are some critical, but simple strategies to use when optimizing your or your client’s site in local search results. By Rebekah May

Move over Basic Search Results, Google Rich Snippets are here

Apple iPod Review

For years search engine search results were limited to 3 basic pieces of information: a title, a summary and a URL. By Sean

Conversion Tracking

Conversion tracking refers to an optional reporting metric that helps you measure the success of your PPC campaigns—and more accurately evaluate your return on investment—through the use of a tracking script embedded on your website. By Tina Kelleher

Cloaking is good for you

If you feel the need to cloak, just do it within reason. Don’t cloak because you can, but because it’s technically the most elegant procedure to accomplish a Web development task. By Sebastian's Pamphlets

Here is Why Now Is The Best Time To Be In The SEO Business

It seems like every time I check up on blogs someone is decrying the bygone days of search engine optimization as if it has been dead for years. By Hamlet Batista

Viral, Social, Sentiment, Mobile: 4 Delightful Web Analytics Solutions

Terra Cotta Warriors Xian

We all have a tendency to learn up to a point, we get comfortable and keep chugging along rarely investing in our ongoing education. By Avinash Kaushik

Zen and the Art of Web Site Analytics


The sheer amount of data you are presented with about your web site can be overwhelming if you don’t know what to look for. By Ask Kalena

Video Optimization – The Show Starts In 3, 2, 1 …

While search engine optimization continues to change at the speed of light, there are a few areas where very little progress seems to be made. By Rebecca Appleton

Search Engines As Entertainment Hubs?

Bing recently added selectively curated content geared toward the entertainment sector, and while it might seem retro for a search engine to elevate human-selected content above its almighty algorithm, the new features are intended to position Bing as the preferred search engine for pop culture mavens. By Steve Baldwin

Social Networks Driving CPM’s’ Down

In economics any time there is an abundance of supply the price for that particular good goes down. The easier to obtain, the less ‘valuable’ that resource is. By Frank Reed

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Measuring SEO Goals: Should We Forget About Rankings?

Blue Tape Measure

The practice of tracking search engine rankings is essentially moot. By Bradford Barker

Top SEO Women – Just the Tip of the Iceberg

Here's a great list of some of the top women who know a thing or two about SEO. By

5 common techniques which are very famous to achieve rank in Google

You need more than luck to achieve top ranking on your selected keywords.

Basics in optimizing keywords

When it comes to search engine optimization, it should be clear that your keyword selections must be relevant to your page’s content to encourage the search engines to give you a spot in the forefront of the SERP’s! (Search Engine Results Pages). By Learning SEO Basics

All Good Content Starts Here: Keyword Research

One of the great things about developing content for your website is that, with a little research, you can know exactly who your target audience is and how create content to meet their needs. By Stoney deGeyter

Is it time to reassess your linking strategy?

So, link building, done the old-fashioned tin cup way, can be quite difficult. As some have learned, Google doesn't like to come clean about how many links you really have. By Mike Moran

Opting Out of Google Analytics

You heard right people! You can now now opt out of Google Analytics. By SEOWebHelp

Finding the Best Keywords For You

Businesses might assume that following competitor’s keywords must pertain to their own business since they are in fact, similar businesses. By SEOWebHelp

SEO Checklist for E-Commerce Sites

If you own an Ecommerce site and don’t know where to begin on the SEO go through this check list. By Blue Hat SEO

Search Agency Update - What Are Companies Up To?

Bits and bobs to keep up with search agency news: Sysomos, Blueglass, Kontagent and more...By

Search Engines May Use Geography and Population Info in Deciding to Show News in Web Searches

How does a search engine choose whether to show news items in web search results and when not to? By Bill Slawski

Google and location searches

A Google Maps result showing only one location listing for a search for 84 Washington St., Warrenton, Va

Ever go to a search engine to find out more about a specific place, such as a street or park or business? Want to see what the area around a historic monument is like? By Bill Slawski

How Facebook Might Track Topics Supplied by Advertisers

Is Facebook planning on sharing information about the words that people use on the site in messages, and demographics about the people behind those messages? By Bill Slawski

Bing's Categorized Search Results

The first few Bing search results for the term virginia.

When you search on Bing, sometimes instead of seeing an ordered list of search results, you might see search results broken up into categories. By Bill Slawski

Search Engine Optimization

Nowadays each and every business wants to go online to generate income and for that need they need to hire SEO Search Engine Optimization Company. By SEO Forums

First Apple iAds Hit the iPhone

Following the official launch of Apple's iAd mobile advertising platform on July 1st, ad units for Unilver's Dove brand and Nissan's Leaf model have now begun appearing in some ad-supported iPhone applications running on the new iPhone OS 4.0. By Jack Marshall

Are PPCers a Dying Breed?

Are Google, Yahoo, and Bing innovating so much that the PPC role will diminish? By Katie Morris

Mapping Anchor Text To Landing Pages


No matter what your method of link building is, it's good to have an idea of your desired anchor text for each major page on your site. By Julie Joyce

7 Types of SEO Evidence

magnifying glass

All science rests on a fundamental assumption, long before any hypothesis is proposed or tested.
By Dr. Pete